Frequently asked, happily answered
Any other query? Feel free to ask and we`ll get back to you.

How fine is the yarn used in Pashmina Looms?
We use yarn from 12 to 16 microns in diameter. Our finest yarns are 14-15.5 microns in diameter. We only use SGS lab-certified Mongolian yarn.
What is the timeline for production and delivery of the products?
Samples are delivered within 15-20 days. Final orders are delivered within 70 days of order placement.
What types products can Pashmina Looms produce?
Pashmina Looms produces scarves, shawls, stoles, throws, and blankets. We specialize in weaving, stencil printing, and hand embellishing.
Do you provide a sample of products to customers before they confirm the order?
We do not provide product samples before orders are confirmed and payments are deposited.
What is the lowest minimum order?
The minimum order is 5 pieces. For orders of this size, the warp of the shawl must be the same color, but the weft can be up to 5 different colors.
Do you provide private labelling?
Pashmina Looms provides private labels, as well as care and composition labels.
Do you provide a sample of products to customers before they confirm the order?
Products from Pashmina Looms are subject to the prevailing duties and import regulations of the countries to which they are shipped. Pashmina Looms is not responsible for meeting these regulations, but we are happy to share our experience in exporting and importing pashmina around the world.
Does Pashmina Looms provide financial support or payment plans?
We do not offer financial support or payment plans.